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Monday, May 21, 2012

Twitter Integration

The Twitter Integration is finally here! I'm not pleased about the idea like a few others, while most others appreciate the idea! So, here's a guide to how to post a tweet!

First, click the blue tweet tweet icon on the top left corner.

It should lead you to this.

Click connect to twitter.
Once again, it should lead you to this.

In username enter in your chobots' username and in password enter in your chobots' password.
*It is completely safe*
Once you complete that click log in. Now, it should lead you to this!

Click the second link. (If it leads you to a page with only sign in with twitter click it and then it should lead you to this.)

Now this should happen.

Log into your twitter account and then you should be ready to tweet! You can tweet by click the birdie on chobots.

My rating;

I'm not trying to start a rant or anything, but I don't support the idea. It is going to encourage more people under 13 to make a twitter.
Well, until next time!

Oh Shnap ;o

Hey chobos! ;D
Right now we are having a party!

I'm not so sure who held the party & all, but oh well. 

Also, I have a little update. So you know about the cho points, right? Well I'm only level one, (I don't feel like playing games so much, and I'm not too cool for chobots..) and one fine day (ish) I was cruising around chobots and randomly ended up at academy street. So, I decided... why not go to the academy? When I did that, well..

Now I'm pretty disappointed! Sooner or later cafe street might be locked and I'm going to be in big trouble! I don't really think this is fair either because now I cannot go in to that cool girl hangout room.
Well see ya soon guys! I thought I wasn't going to be able to post on Lauren's blog today for personal reasons but I made it just in time!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to say a blank chat bubble!

Today I will be teaching you guys how to say a blank chat bubble!
For example..

Step one, in the chat box type in <anythinghere> <anythinghere>

You can really write anything between the <'s but do not write anything innapropriate!
Once you do that, click enter or the big blue dot and there you go! Have fun with this glitch.. :3

New Mimo Shirts & Agents! ♥

Hey guys! Yesterday the agents had a meeting, and this time they chose the agents!

Congratulations, guys! Okay. So have any of you guys have seen new chobots wearing mimo shirts? Well, today I will be showing you how to get the shirt!
First, go to www.mimogames.com/chobots/ Next, click become a chobot.
After you have done that, you will be entered into chobots and will be wearing a mimo shirt! You can still wear it on chobots.net! Have fun! New glitch in the next post!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hey there!
Welcome to the new & improved Cho-Extreme!
So, Let me go over some things!

Admin; Mo29115
I will be adding any other authors or admins!
There will be glitches & other fun stuff on this blog!
I will do raffles when this blog has a specific amount of followers.

We have coupons, which you can use to get -10 points discount on an order.
To check out what you can order, go to the extreme points page. You can get points from contests on this blog, and you can spend them at the shop! Each follower will earn 5 points for following. 

Comments & follows are appreciated! I will follow for a follow, so if you have already follow my blog, you can comment a blog link below & I will follow it!

Each follow somebody earns me will get 5 points as well. Just be sure to tell me!  You can tell me by emailing me at choextreme@gmail.com . ( These ideas were made by my 10 year old sister! )

Alright, this is like all over the place, and it is a lot! Well, see you soon!