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Monday, May 21, 2012

Twitter Integration

The Twitter Integration is finally here! I'm not pleased about the idea like a few others, while most others appreciate the idea! So, here's a guide to how to post a tweet!

First, click the blue tweet tweet icon on the top left corner.

It should lead you to this.

Click connect to twitter.
Once again, it should lead you to this.

In username enter in your chobots' username and in password enter in your chobots' password.
*It is completely safe*
Once you complete that click log in. Now, it should lead you to this!

Click the second link. (If it leads you to a page with only sign in with twitter click it and then it should lead you to this.)

Now this should happen.

Log into your twitter account and then you should be ready to tweet! You can tweet by click the birdie on chobots.

My rating;

I'm not trying to start a rant or anything, but I don't support the idea. It is going to encourage more people under 13 to make a twitter.
Well, until next time!


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